On Christmas Eve of 1945, the Sodder household was filled to the brim, with the entire family in town eagerly awaiting that Christmas morning. However this Christmas would bring nothing but years of heartache and pain for George and Jenni Sodder, as at 1am Christmas morning, their entire world went up in flames. Case Information George and Jenni Sodder both migrated from Italy to the United States at some point in their lives for different reasons. It was here that the two met and eventually married. They eventually settled in Fayetteville West Virginia, where they had a total of ten children together. They seemed to live a quiet life with their children in a largely Italian community. This particular Christmas Eve in 1945, only 9 of their 10 children were present at the house, as one of their sons was away in the army. As the hours ticked by , the 5 younger Sodder children, Maurice age 14, Martha age 12, Louis age 9, Jennie age 8, and Betty age 5, were nowhere near ready to fa...